I am a full professor and the scientific director of the “Officina” Permanent Translation Workshop at the University of Milano-Bicocca.

I teach Chinese language and translation at the University of Milano-Bicocca, the “A. Spinelli” Civic School for Interpreters and Translators in Milan and the Specialized Translation Master of ISO of Sapienza University in Rome. I carry out editorial consultancy and training.

Since 2014, I have been co-editor of Caratteri, the first Italian journal of contemporary Chinese literature.

Among the authors I translated: A Lai, A Yi, Chen Ran, Han Han, Hao Jingfang, Lao Ma, Lin Bai, Ning Ken, Qiu Miaojin, Wu Ming-yi, and Yu Hua. With A. C. Lavagnino, I am the author of Cultura cinese. Segno, scrittura, civiltà (Carocci 2013). Among the works I edited: Yu Hua’s Lezioni milanesi (Unicopli 2020).

Thanks to our collection Gli insaziabili – Otto scrittori italiani e otto scrittori cinesi (edited with Patrizia Liberati), the Nottetempo publishing house was awarded the Grant for the strengthening of Italian culture and language abroad – Translation Award 2019.

In 2022, I published the essay Il carattere e la lettera. Tradurre dal cinese [The Character and the Letter. Translating from Chinese] (2022, Hoepli).

In 2021, I received the National Translation Award from the Italian Ministry of Culture and, in 2022, the Mario Lattes Biennial Translation Award, dedicated to contemporary literature in Chinese. In 2024 I received the 17th Special Book Award of China.

To contact me: silvia.pozzi[at]unimib.it