Foto Natalia Riva

I hold a PhD in History, Institutions, and International Relations of Modern and Contemporary Asia and Africa (University of Cagliari, Italy). I have lectured in Chinese language and culture and history of contemporary China at several Italian universities and am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milan, Italy). Among my research interests: contemporary Chinese culture, society, and politics; China’s cultural strategies, soft power and discursive practices; and socio-linguistic aspects of modern Chinese.

With the chapter “Wenhua 文化” (“Cultura”), I am one of the translators of Yu Hua’s Milan-delivered lessons collected in the book Lezioni milanesi (Edizioni Unicopli, 2019), edited by Silvia Pozzi. For Caratteri, I translated “Jiang Gushi de Jiqiren 讲故事的机器人” (“Il robot cantastorie”) by Fei Dao (2020) and “Xue wawa 血娃娃” (“La bambola sanguinaria”) by Shen Yingying (2021). With Gloria Cella, I co-translated Lu Nei’s Shaonian Babilun 少年巴比伦 (Giovane Babilonia, edited by Silvia Pozzi,  Atmosphere Libri, 2021). 

To contact me: nataliafrancesca.riva[at]